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Compensation for Hit & Run Road Accidents in Ireland – Claiming against MIBI
Been involved in a road traffic accident and don’t have details of the other driver and / or they have no insurance? The first thing you should do, if you have been involved in a road traffic accident, ‘ideally’ is get the details of the other driver involved. However, this is not always possible. If you have been unable to o...
Aug 30, 2023
Los síntomas del latigazo cervical, los tratamientos y cómo reclamar una lesión en Irlanda.
Symptoms of Whiplash, Treatments and how to claim for an Injury – Spanish Language Services Entonces, ¿qué es el latigazo cervical? l latigazo cervical lo sufren cientos de víctimas de accidentes de tráfico todos los días. Hay muchas formas en las que puede sufrir una lesión por latigazo, pero el accidente automovilístico es ...
Nov 14, 2022
Os sintomas de Whiplash, tratamentos e como reclamar por uma lesão na Irlanda
The symptoms of Whiplash, Treatments and how to claim for an Injury in Ireland. Synnott Lawline Solicitors – Providing Legal Services in Portuguese Language. Então, o que é Whiplash? Centenas de vítimas de acidentes rodoviários sofrem com Whiplash ou Síndrome do Chicote. Há muitas maneiras de sofrer uma lesão no pescoço...
Nov 14, 2022
What to do if you were Involved in a Car Accident
Involved in a car accident? Here’s our list of best steps to take after the accident If you are in involved in a car accident, be it that a third party driver runs into and hits you or if you have the unfortunate mishap of crashing into another vehicle, then here are the necessary steps which should be taken immediately after the acciden...
Aug 01, 2022
Road Traffic Accidents – What Cyclists need to knowcy
Have you been in a Road Traffic Accident as a Cyclist? You may cycle to work, school or college every day. Or you might just like nothing better than a leisurely cycle through the countryside. However often you get on your bike, accidents can happen and it’s best to be prepared. We’re sorry to report that the RSA say tha...
Oct 06, 2016
Been Injured in a Car Accident? – What you Need to Know
Have you suffered Injuries from a Car Accident? Here’s what you need to know You might’ve thought that it could ever happen to you. But if you’ve been in a road accident, you know only too well that it is not always about your own skills or experience as a driver. When you are out on the road, you are at the mercy of other road-users too...
Aug 15, 2016
How Long do I Have to Make a Personal Injury Claim?
Wondering long you have to Start your Injury Claim? As a general rule an accident claim must be registered with The Injuries Board (and acknowledged) within two years of the accident date. There are exceptions, In particular, where the “date of knowledge” is some time after the accident date, then the two year limitation per...
Aug 10, 2016
I was in a Car Accident, Do I have a claim?
Have you been involved in a Car Accident? Being involved in a car accident is a traumatic event. Not only does your car get damaged but you and the other people involved in the car accident may suffer minor to severe personal injuries. There is also the psychological trauma of being suddenly thrust into an unexpected and dangerous situati...
Jul 26, 2016
Injured in a Cycling Collision
If you have been Injured in a cycling collision – you may be entitled to claim Do you cycle to work, school or college, cycle for pleasure or sport around the countryside? Even though drivers and cyclists tend not to cooperate on the road no-one wants a collision! But unfortunately accidents can happen and it’s best to be prepared. We...
Sep 18, 2015