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Pitfalls of Popular Cosmetic Surgery Procedures – What you need to Know
Celebrity Culture, Social media and Cosmetic Surgery The boom in the sudden popularity of cosmetic surgery procedures; facial, Breast and Butt! is often linked to social media where young girls are constantly bombarded with insta perfect pictures of voluptuous celebrities. People’s Perception of beauty has changed dramatically over rece...
Aug 20, 2019
10 things to Consider before getting Plastic Surgery
Valuable Tips on How to Choose the Right Plastic Cosmetic Surgeon There has been a massive rise over recent years in the number of people making the decision to undergo some form of plastic or cosmetic surgery. Many claim the jump in these procedures is being led by millennials and what is referred to as “Instagram Vanity”. The younger gene...
Aug 14, 2019
Boy gets €3M over Birth Brain Injuries
€3 Million Awarded to Young Boy for Birth Brain Injuries Claim Synnott Lawline Solicitors secures €3m interim payment in med neg action for boy brain damaged at birth – Irish Examiner 12 Feb 2016 ‘A boy who sued over severe brain injuries suffered during his birth at Dublin’s Rotunda Hospital has secured an interim payment of €3m under ...
Oct 12, 2018
What was the Book of Quantum – PIAB
Book of Quantum – The Guidelines on Claim Awards The Book of Quantum is used as a general guideline as to the amount that may be awarded or assessed to a claimant for their Personal Injury Case. This book was introduced by PIAB (The Injuries Board) in 2003 to give clear guidelines on fair amounts to be awarded for pain and suffering...
Sep 20, 2018
Defamation on Social Media Platforms
Claiming for Defamation of Character on Social Media In recent times there have been successful defamation claims brought in Ireland regarding defamatory statements made on Facebook and Twitter: Hospital Worker awarded €65,000 after being Defamed on Facebook >Man order to pay €75,000 for Defamatory Facebook Comment > Defamatory ...
Jul 04, 2018
Thinking of having Breast Surgery? What you need to know
So you’ve made the decision to have breast augmentation surgery but with all the time spent day-dreaming about how perfect the results will be, have you actually fully researched possible surgery techniques and the type of results to expect post op. A cosmetic surgeon will be in the best position to advise a patient as to what the b...
Dec 08, 2017
Had Negligent Dental Treatment Abroad?, You may be entitled to Pursue a Claim
If you were referred abroad for treatment by an agent representing the foreign dentist in Ireland, a dental negligence claim must be made within two years. The dental negligence claim must be made from the date when you received the negligent treatment. In certain circumstances, you may be able to bring your claim after the two years has expi...
Nov 13, 2017
US Court decision could Trigger PI Claims in Ireland
US Court decision – Trigger Personal Injury Claims in Ireland Thousands of personal injuries claims could be made against American companies in the Irish courts because of a landmark US Supreme Court decision, the Irish Independent reports. The ruling in Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. vs Superior Court of Cali...
Sep 01, 2017
Medical Negligence Law – Do I have a Claim?
Medical Negligence Law and Misdiagnosis – What can be claimed? In order to succeed in a claim for medical negligence in Ireland, it is necessary to prove that the medical practitioner was guilty of a failure which was so unacceptable that no other medical practitioner with the same level of skill and expertise would have behaved in ...
May 15, 2017